The recent weather has been a delight to many of us over the last few days allowing us to relax and enjoy the sunshine. However, along with the heat comes rapid growth in the plant world and some unwanted guests have welcomed themselves to our gardens. Yes, that's right the dreaded weed has returned in full force.
To put it simply, a weed is basically a plant in the wrong place and they love to find that spot right in your garden! Getting weeds under control is the first step in preparing a garden for plants, vegetables and any other use. Uncontrolled weeds will take all the valuable nutrients and moisture from the soil and make it quite difficult for plants to grow.
They can be removed by digging them out, picking them out or using a range of chemicals to remove them. We have a great range of chemicals in our online store which can be purchased to help you get weeds under control including:Pathclear Ready To Use Gun
Weedol Max GunRoundup Fast Action Ready To UseResolva 24Hour Weedkiller
Remember, there is free delivery for orders over £50 or more, or you can purchase online and pickup from our Donaghadee Garden Centre. Happy Gardening!
There is something truly wonderful about plant life, the range of colours, foliage, flowers, varieties, the atmosphere that they create and the sense of satisfaction it brings to all who appreciate them. There is a huge selection of choice out there for the everyday gardener and below are a few of our current favourites.
Chaenomeles superba 'Fire Dance' (also known as Cydonia or Quince)
This superb deciduous plant produces bright red showy flowers in the spring followed by yellow fruits. It is best trellis trained against a wall allowing it to spread and give off its delightful colour during the flowering season. It can be placed in the sun or semi-shade and flowers from March - May.
Astilbe 'Music Series'
This plant is excellent for use in the garden or planted in a container. It produces arching plumes of light feathery flowers in mid-summer. They are clump-forming perennials with deep rich, glossy fern-like foliage.
Flowers from June - August, however we have some which have been brought into early flower for an instant show and also have some that will flower later.
Pieris 'Flaming Silver'
An evergreen shrub which adds a splash of vivid colour with glossy brilliant red young leaves that gradually turn pink creamy white and then dark green. This variegated variety has a white lining around the leaves creating a more vivid look. Clusters of ivory nodding bell-like flowers appear in late spring. It can be placed in the sun or semi-shade and flowers from April to May. Requires an ericaceous (acid) soil.